Sadová 34,
50315 Hradec Králové - Nechanice
Non-stop departure service, emergency service
- line 603491933.
We provide contractual service for the activities listed here for SBD "V Lipkách" (Construction housing cooperative) in Hradec
Installation, assembly, sales, delivery, service, repairs:
- water
- mechanical cleaning - sewage and waste
- reconstruction (renovation) of the bathroom (bathroom), housing core, cores (complete work related to the reconstruction, including the delivery of materials and sanitary equipment, tiling and graphic design, all according to the order)
- outdoor and indoor plumbing work
- EKOPLASTIK water distribution and connections, zinc, waste, water supply lines (lines)
- reconstruction of plumbing equipment, including replacement or repair (plastic, zinc, cast iron, stoneware, concrete)
- water pipes to the house and in the house
- replacement of risers (riser pipes)
- supply of sanitary (health) ceramics (appliances, water meters, batteries, bathtub, sink, toilet bowl - all domestic and foreign brands
- for apartments (civil and residential buildings) and industrial buildings
- heating:
- industrial and civil buildings
- central heating distribution (steel, copper, plastic)
- classic design (storey)
- floor heating
- solar equipment
- heat pumps
- boilers (metal, plastic, copper, polyethylene)
- thermostatic control valves
- heating elements (radiators, ladders)
- gas:
- here also projection and revision
- pipe distribution and connections (metal, plastic)
- delivery or replacement of appliances (boilers, boilers, instantaneous and storage heaters, stoves, stoves).
We will also provide:
- related masonry, installation and electrical work
- installation of consumption meters
- delivery of materials, systems or equipment available in the Czech Republic, according to the customer's wishes and the terms of the contract.

  • instalace plynovodních systémů, revize plynových zařízení, údržba plynovodních sítí, služby plynoinstalatéra, opravy plynovodů a plynoinstalací
  • vodní chlazení, podlahové topení, kotelny, plynové kotelny, rozvod topení, instalace termostatických ventilů, výměna a repase měřičů tepla
  • montáž vodovodního potrubí, vodovodní přípojky, rozvody vody a kanalizace, instalace vodoměrů, montáž vodovodních baterií

Czech Companies
Gas work, Heating work, Plumbing work