Engineering, supplies of equipment:
-trapping of volatile vapours
-thermic liquidation of contaminated air
-ecology improvement of plants
-Freons trapping
-thermic decontamination plant of ducts
-special refrigerating devices
-re-condensation of relief gases
-plant for ice-cold water production
-cryogenic cracking of rubber and cleansing of suspensions
-expansion engines for helium liquefaction
-gasification of biomass and other fuels
-plant for production of bio-petroleum
-waste heat utilization and energy cogeneration, conditioning of gases
-heat exchangers, condensers
-production and supplies - alluvial filters
-delivery and continuous mixers
-load-bearing/ supporting structures:
-steel structures, platforms, stairs, tanks, halls
-locksmith's products.
Project documentation processing, complete supllies of investment units.