Nádražní 271,
56164 Jablonné nad Orlicí
Nabízíme sortiment elektrozboží pro domácnost:
- prodej ETA
- odborný prodej
- vlastní dlouholetý servis
- odvoz zboží zdarma
- splátky bez navýšení.

  • elektrospotřebiče pro domácnost, bílé elektro, elektro do kuchyně, spotřebiče do koupelny, prodej vysavačů
  • digitální kamery, domácí kina, multimediální centra, projekční technika, video příslušenství, televizní příslušenství
  • elektrospotřebiče pro domácnost, espressa a kávovary, kuchyňské roboty, rychlovarné konvice, grily a mixéry, vysavače a žehličky

Czech Companies
Home appliances, Audio and video, Home electric appliances

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Centrální vysavače Valčík

Central vacuum cleaners are more efficient than the regular ones, plus they are easier to handle

Does it annoy you to carry around a heavy vacuum cleaner while hoovering? Or do you own a company and want to lower your cleaning costs? Then do not hesitate and buy a central vacuum cleaner – it is mobile, quiet and much more efficient than the common ones. Top central vacuum cleaners are sold and installed by the company Central vacuum cleaners Valčík, which has been operating in this field since 1997 and cooperates with leading world manufacturers.


SAN SERVICE will arrange professional conferences

A good event will be talked about for a week afterwards. A great event will be remembered for a long time. Although, so little is sufficient to achieve perfection - to contact SAN SERVICE company. Who are we? A professional agency engaged in organizing of conferences having style. Make sure of that as well.