Růžové náměstí 2568/2,
68001 Boskovice
Energetika Boskovice spol. s r.o. specializes in the design and construction of high and low voltage distribution networks. We provide our clients with the construction of above-ground low and high voltage distribution networks, low and high voltage cable lines and public lighting. Our services also include the implementation of private transformer stations for large electricity customers, including private distribution, reconstruction of existing obsolete networks and transformer stations, as well as repairs in the event of failures and professional advice in the field of energy. We are located at Růžové náměstí 2568/2, Boskovice, district Blansko.

Design, construction, reconstruction:
- distribution networks, high and low voltage systems
- low and high voltage overhead and cable lines
- column and kiosk transformer stations (private and distribution)
- public lighting of roads, parks and public spaces.

Based on orders from E.ON Distribuce a.s. we provide design and construction of house electricity connections.

The goal of our company is quality work and a satisfied customer.

  • osvětlovací technika, stolní lampy, zářivky a výbojky, světelné zdroje, LED světla, lustry a halogeny
  • opravy a výměny jističů, opravy spotřebičů, rekonstrukce elektrických rozvodů, rozsáhlé montáže a revize, instalace jističů
  • projektování a montáže VVN, energetická úspora, dodávky energie, zabezpečení dodávek energií, fotovoltaická energie

Czech Companies
Lighting and lights, Electrical work, Energetics