U Cihelny 661,
59401 Velké Meziříčí
- all metal waste (scrap metal)
-copper, bronze, brass, aluminum, lead, zinc, iron, steel, tin, nickel, stainless steel.
- all mixtures of metals, cables, electrical scrap, we are ready to solve situations with the creation of metals - liquidation of boiler rooms, structures, switchboards, halls, machines, some types of electrical appliances, objects intended for demolition, etc.
- we will advise, or with our partners we will ensure the disposal of other waste and thus provide a comprehensive waste removal service at the point of origin.
Interesting prices by agreement, individual prices for a certain period determined according to the quantity.
We provide transportation according to the quantity.
We offer:
- purchase of plastic waste - it must not be contaminated with dangerous substances
- purchase of wood, wood waste without hazardous substances
- purchase, sale of various goods, tools, tools
- consumables (abrasives, protective equipment, wires, etc.)
- metallurgical material
- electrical installation material
-furniture etc.
We offer an internet bazaar.
Container road transport.

  • nakládání s odpady, zpracování železného šrotu, ekonomické využití odpadu, třídění odpadu, třídění kovů, přímá recyklace, nepřímá recyklace
  • kovový odpad a šrot, sběrné suroviny, odpadový papír, výkup druhotných surovin
  • pronájem skladovacích prostor, kontejnerové terminály, temperované skladové haly, mrazírenské sklady, skladovací kóje

Czech Companies
Waste recycling and disposal, Waste collection and purchase, Storage, Warehousing