Brněnská 3797/29,
66902 Znojmo
Wholesale, retail, sale:
-building material, building materials-internal
dry construction for new buildings
and reconstruction
- insulation systems
- facade insulation systems
- insulating silicate systems
-gypsum fiber boards
-ceilings made of mineral fibers
-acoustic suspended ceiling systems
- aluminum suspended ceilings
-double floors-floor textiles,
PVC floor coverings
-laminate floors
- partition systems MOBIL
- OSB chipboards
- plaster colors - interior, exterior,

  • práškové nátěrové hmoty, barvy na dřevo, barvy na kov, univerzální ředidla, míchání fasádních barev
  • výrobky z umělého kamene, žulové valouny, štěrky a drtě, betonové směsi, cementárna výroba cementu
  • masivní parkety, podlahová prkna, podlahy z exotických dřevin, mozaiky na podlahu, pokládka palubek, podlahová lepidla
  • produkty pro lepení, speciální čisticí prostředky, sanační materiály, ošetření povrchu, kontaktní zateplovací systémy, stavební hmoty a omítkoviny
  • izolační hmoty, izolační fólie, izolační sklo, izolační desky, skelná vata
  • montáž sádrokartonu, sádrokartonářské práce, protipožární sádrokartony, sádrokartonové podhledy, lepidla pro sádrokarton, tmely pro sádrokarton

Czech Companies
Paints, varnishes and coatings, Bricks, stone, cement, sand, Wooden floors, Building chemistry, Insulating material, Plasterboard

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Current articles

KOBE-cz s.r.o.

When you hear the word insulation, the majority of people apparently think of insulation made out of polystyrene, mineral wool and similar products. But did you know that there are insulation materials made from natural fibres such as hemp, flax, wool, cotton and jute? They truly exist. A look into the past reveals that natural materials were used regularly for buildings, and now they're making a comeback. In addition to their excellent insulating and other qualities, they also support a healthy environment and reduce adverse ecological impacts. The company KOBE-cz s.r.o. also works with these materials.