náměstí Svobody 1551/4,
66902 Znojmo
Hardware store, wholesale, retail:
-hand tools, power tools
-safes, hinges, locks, fittings
-houseware, flower pots, mirrors
-artificial flowers
-kitchen goods-scales, teapots, dinner sets, dishes, pots
-electric appliances-stoves, electric ovens, hair dryers (hair dryers), curling irons
-glass, porcelain, vases, ceramic products
-water installation material
-sanitary ware-toilets, toilets, bathtubs, washbasins, taps and faucets
-economic goods
-gardening goods-garden furniture, swings, small mechanization, mowers, cutters, shredders, saws, brush cutters, foils, earth clay, watering cans, hoses, barrels, vats
-wine supplies, wine presses
-fireplaces, stoves (gas, electric, fireplace, solid fuel, tiled).

-delivery of larger goods
-Installment sale
-internet e-shop e-shop.

-Hodonín, Měšťanská 15, 69501, tel., Fax: 518340761, mobile: 731448104, e-mail: [email protected], Mr. Singer
-Třebíč, Komenského náměstí 135, 67401, tel., Fax: 568841706, mobile: 731448103, e-mail: [email protected], p.Babáček.

  • profi nástroje, pásové brusky, aku vrtačky, elektrické nástroje, zahradnické nářadí, štípací kleště, zkoušečky napětí
  • nerezové spojovací materiály, závitové spoje, šrouby s vnitřním šestihranem, závrtná matice, šrouby s šestihrannou hlavou, spojovací prvky z oceli
  • kulové kohouty, zpětné klapky, redukční ventily, termostatické směšovače, rozdělovače pro rozvod vody, rohové ventily
  • stavba krbů na klíč, zahradní krby, krbové vložky, biokrby a grily, litinová krbová kamna, komínové systémy
  • potřeby pro vaření, nerezové nádobí, litinové hrnce, smaltované kastroly, nože a příbory, soupravy talířů
  • postřiky a chemie, fólie, textilie, sítě, ploty, hnojiva, obaly a květináče, osiva, substráty a mulče
  • zámečnický servis, klíčová služba, výroba autoklíčů, opravy autozámků, dozické klíče, otevření bytu a auta
  • kuchyňské potřeby, jídelní soupravy, varné sklo a keramika, porcelánové zboží
  • kování oken, kování dveří, kotevní plechy, křídelní spojky, okenní rozpěry, přizvedávače okenních křídel, rámové uzávěry, okenní šrouby, kovové úchytky dveří

Czech Companies
Tools, Connecting material, Plumbing material, Fireplaces, stoves and accessories, Dishes and kitchen utensils, Gardening tools and accessories, Keys and locks, Hardware, Ironmongery, Glass, china and ceramics, Building fittings

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Czech producer of PE plastic pipes with record-breaking delivery times

Are you searching for a producer and supplier of PE plastic pipes for outdoor pressure distribution of drinking and non-potable water, sewage systems, water service lines, laying of cables or wells’ supply? Then we recommned you to contact the LUNA PLAST a.s. company, a Czech producer of plastic pipelines with a tradition since 1998. They are experts solely on this field, with a testing laboratory of their own, where the plastic pipes are manufactured in the most modern machines.

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Kovo Novák

Brewers can hardly work without quality hops. They are an indispensable ingredient in the manufacture of beer, one of the most favourite Czech drinks ever. At the same time, however, it is important to use the hops effectively during their processing, for we do not want to loose not even a single drop of their characteristic aroma which provides beer with its unmistakable flavour. Breweries tend to compete with each other in terms of the modern production technologies, as well as with sticking to the traditional procedures. Your production can be improved by the hop pellet line from the Kovo Novák company.

Kovo Novák

In the recent years pellets have become a very popular way of heating. However, for the idea of a home production of pellets seems rather complicated, people mostly prefer to buy them. A significant amount of organic waste that we produce in our companies or households however does not have to go down the drain – thanks to the new pelletizing line for homemade pellet production from the KOVO NOVÁK Jan Novák.