Nádražní 277,
69604 Svatobořice-Mistřín
Custom production of plastics:
-plastic pools, plastic pool
-waste water treatment plants, WWTP
-septics, sumps, water tanks
-garden ponds
-wine tanks for winemakers

We supply swimming pools, including accessories, and we provide permanent service.
Realization of turnkey delivery, including building permit.
Pool shapes - oval, circle and rectangle with rounded corners. On request, another irregular shape can be produced, eg figure eight, kidney bag or other
We produce three basic versions:
1. with plastic edging 200 x 200 mm
2.without hem
(a) with safety tube
b) with a concrete or stone edge
c) with ceramic rim
3. with overflow trough.

Septics, cisterns
Tanks, vessels
-square - recommended in cases requiring storage
-cylinders - have a better price-volume ratio
-for concreting.

Wine tanks for winemakers
-other products eg for electroplating, water and chemical industries.

Development, production and delivery:
-mobile pool roofing
-special welding machines (plastic welder)
-waste water treatment plants.

  • plastové nádrže, betonové žumpy, odpadní šachty, sklolaminátové septiky, čističky odpadních vod
  • nadzemní bazény, bazény nafukovací, zakrytí a zastřešení bazénů, bazénové filtrace, bazénové vysavače, navíjecí zařízení, ohřev bazénů
  • plastové big boxy, nádoby z plastu, nádrže pro chemický průmysl, cisterny na vodu, plastové jímky

Czech Companies
Septic tanks and sumps, Swimming pools, Plastic tanks and reservoirs