69129 Dolní Věstonice
Municipal office, OÚ.
The wine village and important archaeological site Dolní Věstonice is located north of Pálava about 10 km north of Mikulov on the south bank of the Novomlýn reservoirs. The first written mention of the village is from 1312.
The discovery of an approximately 11-centimeter-high statuette of the Věstonické Venus, made by Professor Karel Absolon during archaeological research in 1925, made the small village famous all over the world.

Monuments - local landmarks include the Archangel Michael's Church, whose early Gothic part with a tower is mentioned as early as 1389.
Renaissance house from the 16th century.
The village is surrounded by valuable natural sites. On the eastern edge of the village there is an important geological site, a loess profile 30 m high - Calendar of Ages - with soil horizons from the Ice Age.
To the south of the village is Devín, protected as a national nature reserve, and to the northwest lies an important bird reserve - the Věstonická reservoir.

In recent years, the village has become known to sport fishermen, who find ideal conditions for sport fishing on the banks of the Nové Mlýna waterworks.

Moravian wine trail.
Church of St. Linharta - Musov
Věstonická Venus
High garden
PLA and BR Pálava
Novomlýn reservoirs.