Pohřební služba MISERICORDIA s.r.o.
Roudnice nad Labem
Brno - Slatina
Praha 14
Jablonné v Podještědí - Markvartice
Hrádek u Sušice
Ostrava - Vítkovice
Reg. No.: 70802114
District: Jihomoravský
Country: Česká republika
Legal form: entrepreneur with trade license
+420 519 373 008
+420 776 641 275
+420 777 051 031
Proper, fast and smooth plant growth can be secured by using a high quality fertilizer. However, since not all types of fertilizers have the desired quality and properties, you should choose them carefully. From a long-term point of view the most quality and frequently used fertilizers are the slow release ones, for they are efficient, affordable and environmentally friendly. One of the most successful and popular producers of this sort of fertilizers is currently the ECOLAB ZNOJMO, spol. s.r.o. company, which has been operating on the market already since 1993.