Horní 10,
76821 Kvasice
Petabo s.r.o. operates a store in the village of Kvasice near Kroměříž, where you can buy supplies for gardeners and do-it-yourselfers.
We offer flower pots, boxes, nonwovens, foil for the garden, fertilizers - garden, grass and many other goods. You will also find a seasonal range of goods with Easter, autumn, All Saints' Day and Christmas themes.
You can now buy goods through the eshop - online store Petabo.cz. Contractual carriers will take care of the transport, or personal collection in Kvasice is possible.

Retail stone shop, online sales:
-goods for gardeners, gardening supplies and tools:
-fertilizers, fertilizer
-potters, boxes, flower packaging, teapots, bowls, planters, sprayers, sprayers
-growing substrates - for indoor and balcony plants, flowers, palms, green plants, vegetables, fruits, substrate for cuttings, sowing and propagation and more
-mulching treatment, decorative crumb - marble, lava, Perlite, Keramzit
-seeds - vegetables, herbs, flowers
-plant protection products, sprays:
-biological agents, fungicides, herbicides, insecticides, stimulators
-complete lawn care
-garden foil - non-woven agro fabric against weed growth (white, black) - under strawberries, mulching treatment, for growing vegetables, fruits
-covering foils, covering tarpaulins, waterproof PE tarpaulins
-shielding nets, raschel and jute bags
-equipment for irrigation - rotary, stationary, impulse sprinklers, sprinklers, guns
-pool chemicals
-needs for craftsmen, handicraft supplies, electrical and hand tools
-feeders, animal feed - food for exotic birds, rodents, octopuses, turtles, dogs, cats.

  • půjčení a prodej nářadí, profesionální nářadí, potřeby pro kutily, aku nářadí, elektrické nářadí, ruční nářadí
  • vazby květin, květinová aranžmá, řezané a hrnkové květiny, květinářské služby, šlechtění osiv, léčivé rostliny
  • zahradní nářadí, okrasné kamenino, dřevostavby a nábytek, plastová jezírka, výživa rostlin, dekorativní prvky
  • krmivo pro zvířata, hračky pro psy, psí boudy, vodítka pro psy, obojky pro kočky, akvarijní potřeby, potřeby pro teraristiku, klece pro hlodavce, akvária pro ryby, ptačí klece, ptačí zob

Czech Companies
Tools, Flowers, seeds and garden fertilizers, Gardening tools and accessories, Breeders' equipment

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ZV - Nástroje s.r.o.

Various tools, gauges, machine parts and other products are manufactured by the toolmaking company ZV – Nástroje. We are engaged mostly in custom manufacture according to the custumers' needs and requirements. For that purpose we use our own design office and a number of modern powerful machines. Together with experienced workers it is a guarantee of our metal production quality, which will satisfy even the most demanding customers.