Rovná 338,
76315 Slušovice
Implementation, construction, construction, implementation:
- civil, residential, industrial buildings
-family houses, houses
- carpentry
- covering
Assembly, installation, implementation:
- VELUX windows
- heating systems.

  • montáž střešních krytin, dodávky střech, střechy na klíč, montáž klempířských prvků, další zpracování plechu
  • zateplení budov, prodej sádrokartonu, montáž sádrokartonu, instalace sádrokartonových předsazených stěn, montáž sádrokartonu do podkroví
  • bourání základů, stavba cihlových zdí, omítka stěn, rekonstrukce bytových jader, demoliční práce
  • stavby bytových domů, rodinné domky na klíč, rezidenční bydlení, nové družstevní byty
  • průmyslové haly a budovy, výrobní závody a objekty, vodohospodářské stavby, výstavba pro energetiku
  • výměna oken a dveří, zateplení domů, zateplení panelových bytů, estetický vzhled budovy, modernizace rodinných domů, oprava střechy

Czech Companies
Roofing and plumbing work, Plasterboard work, Masonry, Bricklaying, New residential construction, Industrial constructions, Reconstruction and revitalization

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Pharmens s.r.o.

Pharmaceutical facilities and turnkey cleanrooms

The Pharmens company provides complex services connected to projects, engineering activities, supplies, assemblies, putting equipment and machines into operation, validations of cleanrooms, technological and manufacturing processes for pharmaceutical (production of liquid and solid pharmaceutical forms, i.e., injection preparations, for instance in the field of cytostatic preparations, insulin, infusions, injection products, medicinal aerosols, ointments, gels, pills and suppositories) and laboratory facilities in accordance with the SVP, GMP and FDA norms. If you want a professional and functional implementation or reconstruction of pharmaceutical facilities, do not hesitate and contact the Pharmens company, which is engaged in the capital construction management, from preparing the investment plan up to the implementation of “turnkey“ pharmaceutical facilities.

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Pharmens s.r.o.

The Pharmens company provides complex services connected to projects, engineering activities, supplies, assemblies, putting equipment and machines into operation, validations of cleanrooms, technological and manufacturing processes for pharmaceutical (production of liquid and solid pharmaceutical forms, i.e., injection preparations, for instance in the field of cytostatic preparations, insulin, infusions, injection products, medicinal aerosols, ointments, gels, pills and suppositories) and laboratory facilities in accordance with the SVP, GMP and FDA norms. If you want a professional and functional implementation or reconstruction of pharmaceutical facilities, do not hesitate and contact the Pharmens company, which is engaged in the capital construction management, from preparing the investment plan up to the implementation of “turnkey“ pharmaceutical facilities.