Brněnská 1372, 68603 Staré Město Member of the REC Group s.r.o .. Collection, purchase, management of metal waste, other waste and hazardous waste: -metal scrap -Non-ferrous metals -dangerous waste -other wastes -car wrecker -collection yards Services: - delivery of a container of suitable size - transport of the container to the destination.
Products nakládka odpadu, recyklace odpadu, úprava druhotných surovin, sběr plastu, sběr papíru, sběr skla, odpadové hospodářství úprava druhotných surovin, recyklace, ekonomické využití odpadu, instalace sítí odpadkových košů, nepřímá recyklace, přímá recyklace provozování skládky odpadů, sběrný dvůr, třídění odpadů, odpadové hospodářství, ekologická likvidace vraků Czech Companies Waste handling and waste storage, Waste recycling and disposal, Waste collection and purchase
TEMPEL MK s.r.o. Manufacturer of industrial, machine-made cardboard for furniture, footwear, textile, printing industry
REMIVA, s.r.o. Plastic recycled materials, regranulates PP, HDPE, HIPS, ABS, PC / ABS, POM, PMMA - Czech Republic
REMIVA, s.r.o. Plastic waste processing, plastic materials recycling, Zlín region, the Czech Republic
REMIVA, s.r.o. Purchase of plastic waste from plastics production and processing the Czech Republic, CZ
REMIVA, s.r.o. Production of compounds filled with glass fiber in the Czech Republic - new compounding line
Manufacturer of industrial, machine-made cardboard for furniture, footwear, textile, printing industry TEMPEL MK s.r.o.
Plastic recycled materials, regranulates PP, HDPE, HIPS, ABS, PC / ABS, POM, PMMA - Czech Republic REMIVA, s.r.o.
Plastic waste processing, plastic materials recycling, Zlín region, the Czech Republic REMIVA, s.r.o.
Purchase of plastic waste from plastics production and processing the Czech Republic, CZ REMIVA, s.r.o.
Production of compounds filled with glass fiber in the Czech Republic - new compounding line REMIVA, s.r.o.