Rybkova 23,
60200 Brno
The LaH floor company sells and installs floors.

We are engaged in the sale and installation of carpets, floating floors, vinyl floors, wooden floating floors, solid wooden floors, marmoleum, PVC, renovation parquet and covering durelis boards. Complete preparation of the substrate, measurement of humidity, grinding of anhydrite and concrete, leveling to an absolute plane with a laser.

Complete consultation with the selection of a suitable floor for the given space, delivery of the material to the destination, the actual laying of the floor, installation of perimeter and transition strips, fine-tuning of the floor in detail so that everything is according to your wishes.

You can find our office at Rybkova 23, Brno.

  • terasové desky, dvouvrstvé dřevěné podlahy, podlahy z masivního dřeva, renovace parket, pokládka podlah z exotických dřevin
  • bytový textil, pokládka koberců, kusové koberce, koberce v metráži, zátěžový koberec, běhouny a rohožky
  • plastové podlahové krytiny, podlahy z PVC, vinylové podlahy, pokládka PVC podlah

Czech Companies
Wooden floors, Carpets, PVC floors