Pivovarská 5031,
68601 Uherské Hradiště-Jarošov
Wholesale, retail, sales:
- LINDE technical gases
-propane butane
- gas appliances
- welding wires
- welding accessories
- welding machines TECHOSOL, TELWIN, TRIODYN
- hoses for gas appliances
- electric tools NAREX, URESS
- construction tools
- hand power tools
- welding technique
Regional representation:
- KRANZLE high-pressure cleaning machines.

Another establishment - sale of technical gases, propane-butane and welding equipment.
- Průmyslova 1148, Uherské Hradiště 686 01.

  • ruční nářadí, elektrické nářadí, aku nářadí, dílenské nářadí, nářadí pro kutily, vzduchové pneu nářadí
  • svařovací a navařovací automaty, polohovadla pro svařování, TIG/WIG svářečky, autogenní technika, svářecí a řezací hořáky
  • průmyslové centrální vysavače, čističe koberců, tlakové mycí stroje, úklidové vozíky, komunální zametače a kropiče
  • speciální a medicinální plyny, laserové plyny, propan-butan, technické plyny, vzácné plyny, plynné hélium

Czech Companies
Tools, Welding machines, Cleaning and cleansing equipment, Technical gases

Current offers

Current articles

Centrální vysavače Valčík

Does it annoy you to carry around a heavy vacuum cleaner while hoovering? Or do you own a company and want to lower your cleaning costs? Then do not hesitate and buy a central vacuum cleaner – it is mobile, quiet and much more efficient than the common ones. Top central vacuum cleaners are sold and installed by the company Central vacuum cleaners Valčík, which has been operating in this field since 1997 and cooperates with leading world manufacturers.

ZV - Nástroje s.r.o.

Various tools, gauges, machine parts and other products are manufactured by the toolmaking company ZV – Nástroje. We are engaged mostly in custom manufacture according to the custumers' needs and requirements. For that purpose we use our own design office and a number of modern powerful machines. Together with experienced workers it is a guarantee of our metal production quality, which will satisfy even the most demanding customers.