Jiráskova 587,
43201 Kadaň
Our company MF stavební, based in Kadan, deals with the complete reconstruction of residential cores, including the demolition of the Umakart core, new water, waste and electricity distribution. We also offer our clients plasterboard ceilings, partitions, curtain walls, etc., both in apartments and houses, as well as in commercial buildings. We offer white, colored, abrasion-resistant, washable, remedial, magnetic paintings, so-called "smart" walls in offices, meeting rooms, training rooms, fireproof coatings and coatings of wooden or metal structures, floors in production halls, security markings and hatching. We will help you choose colors, shades and materials suitable for your needs. Other materials are suitable for new buildings, others for damp masonry, others for commercial buildings and others for households. We perform complete reconstructions of apartments and apartment cores, including the demolition of the Umakart core, new water, waste and electricity distribution, as well as plasterboard ceilings, partitions, curtain walls, etc., both in apartments and family houses, as well as in commercial buildings.

Our services:

- tailor-made price offer

- advice on choosing colors and materials

- focus of the object

- processing of a price offer

- waste and debris disposal

- Final cleaning

- reconstruction of flats and apartment cores

- plasterboard work

- painting

- coatings

- security hatching in production halls and other commercial buildings

- facade coatings

You can find us in the town of Kadaň on Jiráskova 587.

  • malování interiérů, nátěry dveří a zárubní, nátěry kovových konstrukcí, nátěry fasád, drobné zednické práce, aplikace tapet
  • montáž sádrokartonů, interiérové obklady, minerální podhledy, služby sádrokartonáře, instalace sádrokartonových příček, zateplování budov
  • montáž vodovodních baterií, opravy vodoinstalace, instalace kanalizace, montáž odpadního potrubí, rekonstrukce bytových jader
  • stavební činnost, zateplení objektů, výměna oken a dveří, úspora energie, estetický vzhled budovy
  • zednické a obkladačské práce, sanitární keramika, koupelnový nábytek, výměna vany, výměna sprchového koutu, výměna záchodu a bidetu

Czech Companies
Painting, varnishing and wall papering work, Plasterboard work, Plumbing work, Reconstruction and revitalization, Bathroom renovation