Pod Kaštany 499,
76317 Lukov
PODHORAN LUKOV, Jsc is manufacturing company with more than 200 employees. The company runs a business in their own premises in Lukov near Zlin. Most of their output is exported to reliable business partners in European Union countries.

Production, metal working, services:
-trucking containers (7 m3 -40 m3) for waste and other materials
-rubbish press containers
-truck bodies
-tractor snow-plough blades
-repair of car spare parts and recording tachometers
-plant/ vegetable and livestock production, animal husbandry
-silk-screen printing and articles printing
-self-adhesive labels, machine plates and advertising signs
-wood working and forestry
-furniture made of solid timber
-wooden pallets and containers, wood packing
-motor-transport, transportation, conveyance and mechanization.

  • doprava nákladů po ČR, kamionová přeprava, nadrozměrné náklady, přeprava sypkých materiálů
  • zařízení ložnic, ložnicový nábytek, postele a matrace, ložnicové sestavy, šatní skříně
  • kancelářské židle, sedací soupravy, taburety, rozkládací pohovky, sedačky, židle, lenošky, sedací pytle
  • sítotisk a ofset, tamponový a digitální tisk, výroba vizitek a plakátů, barevný potisk
  • obrábění železných materiálů, klasické třískové obrábění kovů, ozubená kola, broušené kuželové soukolí, opracování na CNC strojích
  • lodní kontejnery, skladové kontejnery, pronájem kontejnerů, obytné kontejnery, sanitární kontejnery, obytné buňky, prodejní stánky

Czech Companies
Inland freight transport, Bedrooms, Seat furniture, Printing works, Engineering plants and metal fabrication, Containers, cells and stalls, Wooden packaging and pallets

Current offers

Current articles

Alfa Container s.r.o.

Alfa Container s.r.o. brings to the market a revolutionary concept of modular buildings, which offers mobile containers as an efficient and fast solution for business, housing, building industry and many other areas. The company will transform your projects into a modular form and we will provide you with comprehensive documentation including floor plans, sections, electrical diagrams, as well as a foundation design adapted to the dimensions of your object.