Sokolská 418,
76001 Zlín
Frima Ekodrill Zlín specializes in drilled wells, connection construction and turnkey well construction. We perform water search, boreholes for heat pumps, hydrogeological exploration, analyzes, water treatment and quality monitoring. We provide cleaning of wells and complete equipment pump and water.

Water - well - drilled wells - heat pumps.

Drilling, boring, construction:
 -study, wells, wells
 -in all kinds of rocks
  - boreholes
  -For heat pumps
  -for IG survey, hydrogeological survey
 - a fourth diameter of 100 to 800 mm
 -Light and heavy drilling rigs.

 - wells and wells of engineering geological survey
  - hydrogeological projects, projects and testimonials, testimonials, testimonial
 -searching, searching for groundwater sources, WADI, dowser.

Hydrodynamic pumping tests.
Groundwater quality monitoring:
 - Water analysis.

Complete delivery - pumps and waterworks:
 -installation, sale, assembly:
  -groups of pumps and waterworks GRUNDFOS, CALPEDA, SIGMA, WILO, DAE, MONEL
  -water pumps, water pumps, hand pumps
  -connections including excavation work, connection to buildings, wiring.

Water treatment:
 -Fe, Mn, radon hardness
 - water treatment plants.

Well cleaning:
 -cleaning of drilled and dug wells
 - regeneration and disinfection of drinking water sources.

 -mini excavator
 - terrain modifications
 - rainwater infiltration
 -projects and construction of wells
 -connections to the house.

  • ochrana podzemních vod, inženýrská geologie, sanace horninového prostředí, projektování geologických prací, hydrogeologické průzkumy
  • vrtané studny, vrty pro inženýrskou geologii, sanační vrty, indikační vrty, vyhledávání pramene
  • hloubení základů, výkopy pro tepelná čerpadla, výkopy bazénů, úprava terénu, demoliční a bourací práce
  • stříkací technika, sušičky vzduchu, tlakové nádoby, vývěvy a dmychadla, čerpací technika

Czech Companies
Geodesic and geological services, Well construction work, Earthwork and excavation work, Pumps, compressors and high-pressure equipment