EDB recommends

Procházkova 634/9,
14700 Praha 4
Company MO ATELIER s.r.o. offers its clients complete services in the field of construction projects. Our activities include finding the suitability of the site or building for the planned investment plan, processing project documentation, engineering, ensuring geodetic surveying, hydrogeological and radon survey and comprehensive legal services. Our office is located at Procházkova 634/9, Prague 4.

Design office, services:
- building design
- design work in building industry
- elaboration of project documentation from study to implementation project, including survey of the current situation
- engineering activities in obtaining zoning and planning and water-permitting permits
- determining the suitability of the site or building for the planned investment project
- geodetic surveying, hydrogeological and radon surveying
- provision of all documents for drawing up a purchase or lease agreement, expert opinions in the field of building construction, water management construction and building economics
- ensuring work related to operations in the Land Registry
- preparation of all supporting and preparatory documentation
- noise studies, environmental impact studies and the like
- technical and construction supervision of the investor
- author supervision
- construction of land, transport and civil engineering works in a managerial way.

We process design documentation for all types of building construction.

Company MO ATELIER s.r.o. Complete project documentation and engineering for your investment construction projects.

  • geodetické práce, vytyčování stavebních objektů, inženýrská geodézie, projektování geologických prací, provádění geologických prací, hydrogeologické průzkumy, inženýrsko - geologické průzkumy
  • projekty rodinných domů, projektová dokumentace, projekční kanceláře, projekce a stavební dozor
  • inženýrská a projektová činnost, technický dozor investora, služby stavebního dozoru, kontrola provádění stavebních prací

Czech Companies
Geodesic and geological services, Design work in building industry, Supervision of construction