Dřevnická 3971,
76001 Zlín
Wiring, electrical inspection.
Security systems.
Information Technology.
Central vacuum cleaners.

  • pračky a myčky, chladničky a mrazničky, trouby a sporáky, toustovače a kávovary, klimatizační jednotky, odsavače par
  • montáž alarmů, kamerové systémy, požární signalizace, uzavřené televizní okruhy, CCTV, domovní telefony
  • instalace elektrických spotřebičů, sporáky, bojlery, pračky, myčky, průtokové ohřívače, montáž slaboproudých a nízkopaměťových rozvodů

Czech Companies
Home appliances, Electronic security systems and accessories, Electrical work

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Centrální vysavače Valčík

Does it annoy you to carry around a heavy vacuum cleaner while hoovering? Or do you own a company and want to lower your cleaning costs? Then do not hesitate and buy a central vacuum cleaner – it is mobile, quiet and much more efficient than the common ones. Top central vacuum cleaners are sold and installed by the company Central vacuum cleaners Valčík, which has been operating in this field since 1997 and cooperates with leading world manufacturers.