Kalikova 298/1,
30100 Plzeň - Jižní Předměstí
The recruitment agency AWA Europe SE offers job placement for those looking for a new job. We have been operating on the labor market for many years and we are registering job vacancies. The services we provide include finding new employees for the required professions, we are also able to provide staff leasing, so-called personnel leasing or supplementing production capacity. Our staffing agency offers comprehensive services, including arranging accommodation for employees or a bonus for referrals.

Recruitment agency:
- job agency
- job placement
- job offers, jobs for the disabled, brigades
- offer of vacancies
- personnel leasing, staffing
- agency employment.

AWA Europe SE will help you find new employees, saving you time and money. If you can't get a part-time job or a new job, contact us. Visit our recruitment center at Kalikova 1, Pilsen, AWA Global building opposite CAN, a few meters from OC Plaza. We are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00. Or you can use our toll-free line 800 128 128.

  • inzerce pracovních pozic, vyhledávání zaměstnanců, pracovní pohovory, řízení lidských zdrojů, zprostředkování práce
  • orientace v pracovněprávní legislativě, personální plánování, systém náboru pracovníků, tvorba motivačního sytému zaměstnanců, lidské zdroje

Czech Companies
Recruitment agencies, Personal counselling