1. Máje 210/8, 76701 Kroměříž Fresh bar. Production, sale, distribution: - favorites MIXIE - freshly squeezed juices - fruit - coffee - 100% fruit and vegetable purees - raw fruit and vegetable desserts - poppy milk. Come sit, chat and enjoy your just mixed piece of nature! We look forward to you. The MIXIE team
Products sportbary, výběr alkoholických nápojů, míchané nápoje, soukromé párty, café bar, tankové pivo neperlivé vody, minerálky a džusy, sirupy a sycené limonády, nealkoholická piva, kolové nápoje a toniky exotické ovoce, bio zelenina, ovoce z dovozu, zelenina z dovozu, farmářské trhy, regionální ovoce a zelenina Czech Companies Bars, casinos and night clubs, Soft drinks, Fruit and vegetables
Maple Trade s.r.o. Import of fruits and vegetables - apples, pears, onions, tomatoes, oranges, cabbage - Czech Republic
PIVOVAR ROHOZEC, a.s A new product of Rohozec Brewery – canned beer Skalák - light lager in travel package the Czech Republic
PIVOVAR ROHOZEC, a.s Production and selling of beer and soft drinks from the Pivovar Rohozec brewery, the Czech Republic
PIVOVAR ROHOZEC, a.s Rohozec beer, beer specials from the brewery in the Bohemian Paradise, the Czech Republic