Na poříčí 3241,
73801 Frýdek-Místek
The business company ARGOS ELEKTRO is focused on wholesale activities in the field of electrical installation materials. You can also find the company's branch in Frýdek-Místek, and its range also includes various types of cables, wires, lighting fixtures, power supplies, lightning conductors and a whole range of electrical products.

With us, you can choose a complete range of electrical installation material for your needs:

- cables, wires and cable assemblies
- earthing and lightning conductor material
- lighting technology (fluorescent, ceiling, incandescent and LED luminaires, emergency lighting)
- switches, sockets and connectors
- batteries and flashlights
- heating systems (heating cables, mats and accessories)
- warning and protective foils
- earthing troughs and protectors
- installation boxes, rails, pipes, tapes, clips
- building materials and tools
- glands, seals, reducers, bushings
- pillar and electricity meter cabinets
- devices for domestic and industrial distribution
- industrial plugs, sockets and socket distribution boards
- booms, armaments and masts
- cable lugs and connectors
- communication technique

In addition to a large selection of electrical installation material, the company ARGOS ELEKTRO a.s., provides transportation of material in its own cars and also free consulting services.

Since 2005, the company has expanded its operations by opening many branches throughout the Czech Republic. Thanks to all its branches, not only in the Ostrava region, the company is able to cover the needs of customers throughout the country.

  • ruční nářadí, pneumatické nářadí, vybavení do dílny, elektrické nářadí, nářadí pro pokládku, rotační nářadí
  • elektroinstalační materiál, pokojové termostaty, datové rozvaděče, jističe, chrániče, svítidla a světelné zdroje, vypínače a zásuvky
  • osvětlení budov, interiérová svítidla, venkovní svítidla, LED svítidla, nástěnná svítidla, bodová svítidla, závěsná svítidla, designová svítidla

Czech Companies
Tools, Wiring material, Lighting and lights

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Steeltec CZ, s.r.o.

Metal consumer goods are everywhere around us. These can be various sorts of tools, such as hoes, reapers, mowers, rakes, tillers, components for tractor assembly or to be used differently in engineering industry. All these products get to the customers through shops – which is, however, not where it all begins. Among the large-scale engineering businesses also belongs the STEELTEC company, which celebrates twenty years of existence within the Třinecké železárny complex this year. And it is STEELTEC that supplies its products to large purchasers. One of the patented inventions of this company is also the PET bottle press, which can now become an everyday help for your customers as well.