Parchovany 166,
07662 Parchovany
Feed production
Realization of constructions and their changes
Preparatory work for the construction
Mediation of trade in the scope of free trade
Brokerage activity in the scope of free trade
Finishing works in the implementation of exteriors and interiors
Services for plant production, animal production without veterinary services
Retail and wholesale activity in the field: food, tobacco products, meat, meat products, fruits, vegetables, textiles, drugstores, sheep wool products, spare parts for motor vehicles and agricultural machinery, industrial fertilizers, agrochemicals, building materials, water supply materials, electrical installation and heating material, agricultural products, metals, mechanization means, spare parts, mechanical and electrical products for mechanization and automation of agricultural, forestry, construction and reclamation mechanisms, cars, buses, trailers, semi-trailers and spare parts, used equipment trailers, semi-trailers and spare parts

  • sušáky na prádlo, žehlicí prkna, nákupní tašky, domácí potřeby
  • komplexní krmiva pro psy, krmiva pro kočky, krmiva pro hlodavce, krmiva pro ryby, doplňková zvířecí krmiva
  • plemenářské služby, testování býků, rozbory stád, inseminační stanice, zvyšování mléčné užitkovosti

Czech Companies
Other consumer goods, Feed, Selective breeding