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Czech producer of PE plastic pipes with record-breaking delivery times

Are you searching for a producer and supplier of PE plastic pipes for outdoor pressure distribution of drinking and non-potable water, sewage systems, water service lines, laying of cables or wells’ supply? Then we recommned you to contact the LUNA PLAST a.s. company, a Czech producer of plastic pipelines with a tradition since 1998. They are experts solely on this field, with a testing laboratory of their own, where the plastic pipes are manufactured in the most modern machines.

Ostendorf - OSMA s.r.o.

The biggest Czech producer of plastic pipelines for sewerage introduces new product lines

The company Gebr. Ostendorf – OSMA zpracování plastů, s.r.o. is the biggest Czech manufacturer of plastic pipelines for sewerage. It offers complex solutions connected to the realization of reliable and quality sewage systems made of plastics. It manufacturers and supplies plastic pipes not only to the Czech Republic, but also to the whole world.