Zábřežská 2,
78701 Šumperk
Electrical engineer work:

- installation, service of public lighting.
- implementation, revision of LV connections
- rental of a high-lift platform
- production and installation of Christmas decorations
- assembly and service of local radio.

  • rozvody silnoproudu, rozvody elektroinstalace, opravy elektrorozvodů, servis elektrozařízení, rozvody zvonků, rozvody domovních telefonů, příprava rozvodů STA, příprava připojení internetu
  • vysokozdvižné a nízkozdvižné vozíky, paletové a vychystávací vozíky, manipulátory na kontejnery, otočné stoly

Czech Companies
Electrical work, Transport and handling equipment

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Přidal s.r.o.

Transport trolley for electric cars: why it could be useful for you and what are its advantages?

Electric cars are an increasingly popular and modern mode of transport that offers many advantages for the environment, economy and health. However, they require special conditions and care, especially during their transportation. If you are looking for a practical and reliable conveyor for your immobile electric car, for whatever reason, read about the transport trolleys for electric cars from Přidal s.r.o., which provide a number of advantages.

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Přidal s.r.o.

Electric cars are an increasingly popular and modern mode of transport that offers many advantages for the environment, economy and health. However, they require special conditions and care, especially during their transportation. If you are looking for a practical and reliable conveyor for your immobile electric car, for whatever reason, read about the transport trolleys for electric cars from Přidal s.r.o., which provide a number of advantages.