81101 Bratislava - mestská časť Staré Mesto
Market research
Advertising activity
Photography activity
Making web pages
Rental of motor vehicles
Mediation activity
Automated data processing
Promotional and advertising activity
Distribution and mail order business
Consultancy in the field of tourism
Reproduction of audiovisual recordings
Organizing competitions and sports events
Organization of cultural and educational events
Purchase, sale and rental of electrical machines and devices
Real estate rental associated with the provision of additional services
Purchase and sale of goods in the scope of free trade - retail, wholesale
Procurement activity associated with the management and rental of real estate
Software provision - sale of finished programs based on a contract with the author
Arranging the sale of air transport services, including the sale of airline tickets
Publishing and distribution activities in the field of periodical and non-periodical literature
Consulting, consulting and training activities in the field of computer technology, software and electronics
Professional and organizational-technical provision of training and seminars in the field of computer technology
Purchase, sale and rental of computer and office equipment, consumer electronics products and equipment

  • autorizovaný dealer vozů, prodej SUV, sedanů, kombi, hatchback, prodej originálních náhradních dílů
  • zahraniční pobytové zájezdy, poznávací zájezdy, tuzemské pobyty, last minute, prodej letenek, průvodcovské služby
  • zprostředkování prodeje nemovitosti, servis při koupi bytu, developerské projekty, služby realitního makléře
  • skupinové fotografie, svatební fotografie, fotky od profesionálního fotografa, reklamní fotografie, promo fotky
  • ostatní spotřební zboží, doplňky do kuchyní, doplňky do koupelny, doplňky do obývacích pokojů

Czech Companies
Passenger motor vehicles, Travel agencies and guides, Estate agencies, Photographic studios, Other consumer goods