EDB certified

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Stínava 49 Plumlov 79803

Oldřich Přecechtěl

The company Oldřich Přecechtěl from the district of Prostějov deals with the complete renovation of bathroom bathtubs using high-quality acrylic inserts, which are easily placed in the original cast iron or sheet metal bathtubs.
Measuring the bathtub is completely free and non-binding. We will come, measure, explain and then you will decide whether you want our service or not. The basic price of acrylic inserts ranges from CZK 6,500.

I also perform locksmith work - installation of fittings, locks, additional locks, door closers, adjustment of doors and windows and more. Repair and sale of sewing machines.

Chcete mít opět krásnou vanu? Neváhejte využít našich služeb

Zabýváme se kompletní renovací koupelnových van

Renovace provádíme pomocí kvalitních akrylátových vložek

Naleznete nás na adrese Stínava 49, Plumlov



Stínava 49
Plumlov 79803
[email protected]
+420 608 462 346

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Where to find us

Stínava 49
Plumlov 79803

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Stínava 49 Plumlov 79803