Trnavská cesta 70,
82102 Bratislava - mestská časť Ružinov
Telephone: +421 48/611 29 25

Sprostredkovateľská činnosť v oblasti obchodu
Výroba elektrických svietidiel, zariadení pre motory a vozidlá a signalizácie
Kúpa tovaru na účely jeho predaja konečnému spotrebiteľovi (maloobchod) alebo iným prevádzkovateľom živnosti (veľkoobchod)

Reg. No.: 44515634
VAT No.: SK2022757990
District: Bratislavský
Country: Česká republika
Legal form: limited company
Turnover: less then 8 thousand €

+421 48/611 29 25

QR kód firmy AV Lampshop, s.r.o.

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Ing. Josef Chlum - ELITE BOHEMIA

Czech crystal chandeliers based on traditional design

You will hardly find a more traditional light fitting than a Czech crystal chandelier. Crystal lightings have a long tradition here, and that is also what the ELITE BOHEMIA company realized. In 1996 the company decided to continue the Czech tradition and started manufacturing Czech crystal chandeliers, crystal lamps and other light fittings. Nowadays it belongs among the most significant domestic producers of such lightings and gains success all around the world.