ROOT IT s.r.o.
Company ROOT IT s.r.o. Established in 1992, it has focused on the IT needs of small and medium-sized businesses from the outset. We focus on efficiency in the purchase and operation of enterprise IT, their reliable operation and development - intranet, CAD graphics systems, enterprise information systems, network management, CRM and IT security.
Our main specializations include:
- IT security (comprehensive security solutions including methodology)
- own server solutions and CLOUD
- management of corporate networks and monitoring
- business computers
- CAD graphics systems
We help managers and owners in the selection, deployment, management and development of their IT and ensure reliable service and support their smooth running.
Our main specializations include:
- IT security (comprehensive security solutions including methodology)
- own server solutions and CLOUD
- management of corporate networks and monitoring
- business computers
- CAD graphics systems
We help managers and owners in the selection, deployment, management and development of their IT and ensure reliable service and support their smooth running.
Přinášíme komplexní řešení IT bezpečnosti na nejvyšší úrovni
Dodáváme serverová řešení SmallServer pro malé a střední klienty
Optimalizujte svůj podnik s implementací intranetu a Sharepointu
Navrhujeme 3 typy počítačových sestav ROOT PC pro firmy
Computers and accessories Outsourcing Programming and computer services Courses for companies
SLOGAN: Váš spolehlivý partner již od roku 1992
Pohled na sídlo firmy - zaměřujeme se na efektivitu při nákupu a provozu podnikových IT
Firemní automobily
Průběh práce u zákazníka
Pořádání akce pro zákazníky