U Nové louky 67,
14300 Praha 12
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Lab & Pharma, spol. s r.o.

These services are provided by Lab & Pharma, spol. s.r.o., which is capable of comprehensively providing you with machines and instruments for medical applications. They not only operate in the field of healthcareand in the field of pharmaceutics, but can also provide equipment for operating theatres or other specific laboratories. The company has existed since 1991. Its first activities were related to the machinery industry. Later on, the focus of the company shifted more towards the health care and pharmaceutics sectors. Nowadays, the company possesses all the necessary modern equipmentand special technologies.

Lab & Pharma, spol. s r.o.

The Lab & Pharma, spol. s r.o. company has been designing pharmaceutical plants, laboratories, and operating rooms since 1991. Since its establishment, the company has been presenting itself as an engineering company with various specializations, having gradually become the supplier of technologies for the pharmaceutical and medical sectors. The headquarters of the company are located in Prague, and the company also operates in Moscow and Kiev.

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Are you organizing a training and looking for some suitable facilities? Then contact the State Veterinary Institute Prague whose training center with accommodation capacity is offered exactly for such purposes. There is a lecture hall, a business lounge or a computer room at your disposal, as well as laboratories. If you are interested, we can also organize lessons, trainings or educational programs.