Nerudova 254,
56002 Česká Třebová - Parník
Inspection technician Roman Špička performs inspections and training in the field of lifting, pressure and gas equipment not only in the district of Ústí nad Orlicí, but also throughout the Czech Republic.

Revision and training:
- lifting equipment and slings
- cranes
- forklifts
- hoists, car jacks
- chain hoists
- construction lifts
- regular inspections of lashings
- inspections and surveys of steel structures
- pressure vessels
- gas appliances
- evaluation of the technical condition of crane tracks
- control measurements of crane tracks
- training of forklift drivers
- training of crane operators
- training of load binders
- training of signalmen.

We usually perform training and examinations at the customer's (can also be arranged in our classroom).

We have been engaged in inspection and training activities for 15 years and we have all the necessary certificates and certifications at our disposal.

  • jeřáby a zdvihací technika, speciální jeřáby, technika pro sklady, podvěsné systémy, portálové jeřáby, montážní plošiny
  • zámečnické prvky, schodiště a zábradlí, vrata, oplocení, rampy, příjezdové plošiny, městský mobiliář
  • expanzní nádoby topenářské, vodárenské expanzní nádoby, držáky tlakových nádob, konzola pro expanzní nádoby
  • školení pracovníků a řidičů, školení revizních techniků, školení BOZP a PO, kurzy pro stavby

Czech Companies
Lifting equipment, cranes and assembly platforms, Steel structures and metal stairs, Pressure and expansion vessels, Courses for companies

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