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Zemědělský výzkumný ústav Kroměříž, s.r.o.

AF Zora, the Europe's first black-grain wheat variety, ushers in a new era in agricultural innovation

In 2021, a new and innovative variety of winter wheat called AF Zora appeared in the fields of the Czech Republic, bringing a revolution in the field of genetics and breeding. What makes her so special? AF Zora is the first European wheat variety with a black grain, which was achieved by combining genes for blue aleurone and purple pericarp. This step opens up new possibilities in improving the nutritional value of wheat grain and widens the spectrum of food products available to consumers.

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Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, v.v.i.

The Institute of Plasma Physics of ASCR focuses on a series of studies aimed at examining plasma and its use in practice. One of the projects is the research of pulse plasma systems, within which plasma is studied, created using pulsed, high-voltage discharges. Another important project is research within material engineering. It primarily involves the interaction of plasma with solid and liquid phases.

Ústav fyziky plazmatu AV ČR, v.v.i.

The Institute of Plasma Physics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, headquartered in Prague, focuses on experimental and theoretical research and applications of plasma produced by high power laser beams. The experimental research is carried out on one of the largest lasers in Europe. The department also cooperates with other inland workplaces that are engaged in plasma research.