Květná 1825/25,
79201 Bruntál
Opravy silničních vozidel
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  • anodická oxidace, broušení a leštění, dekorativní chromování, aplikace nátěrových systémů, galvanické pokovování spojovacího materiálů
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Czech Companies
Complete car repairs, Metal surface finish treatment, Other consumer goods

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Steeltec CZ, s.r.o.

Metal consumer goods are everywhere around us. These can be various sorts of tools, such as hoes, reapers, mowers, rakes, tillers, components for tractor assembly or to be used differently in engineering industry. All these products get to the customers through shops – which is, however, not where it all begins. Among the large-scale engineering businesses also belongs the STEELTEC company, which celebrates twenty years of existence within the Třinecké železárny complex this year. And it is STEELTEC that supplies its products to large purchasers. One of the patented inventions of this company is also the PET bottle press, which can now become an everyday help for your customers as well.