Lačnov 266,
75612 Lačnov
- installation of modern windows (frameless systems, HS portals ...)

Rent, rental:
- mini crane UNIC URW-095
- suction cups for MRTA6 glass

  • zasklívání oken a dveří, montáž izolačních skel, matovaná a ornamentní skla, dodávka bezpečnostních skel
  • pojízdné hliníkové lešení, pracovní plošiny, samohybná teleskopická plošina, výškové práce
  • speciální jeřáby, mostové jeřáby, otočné jeřáby, podvěsné systémy, portálové jeřáby, montážní plošiny, kladkostroje, kolejová doprava

Czech Companies
Glasswork, Scaffoldings and assembly platforms, Lifting equipment, cranes and assembly platforms

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SPEDOS Servis s.r.o.

Automatic doors and gates provide users with comfort, but most of all they significantly save heat. The number of spaces, in which automatic door and gate systems are more and more used, is constantly growing – supermarkets, manufacturing halls, public buildings, logistic centers... The SPEDOS company has been operating in the production, sale and assembly of door systems for already 25 years and during its operation on the market it has carried out more than 100 thousands of implementations. It offers door and gate systems in various forms, with an emphasis on heat saving.