M. Alše 411,
76001 Zlín
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  • kuchyňské roboty, kuchyňské mixéry, mlýnky na maso, domácí kávovary, rychlovarné konvice, fény na vlasy, holicí strojky, žehličky, podlahové vysavače
  • elektrospotřebiče pro domácnost, espressa a kávovary, kuchyňské roboty, rychlovarné konvice, grily a mixéry, vysavače a žehličky
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  • spodní prádlo, pánské obleky, kabáty a bundy, kalhoty, rifle, boty, trika s krátkým rukávem, nátělníky, sportovní soupravy

Czech Companies
Home appliances, Home electric appliances, Sports and recreational services, Other consumer goods, Ladies' clothing, Children's clothing, Gentlemen's clothing

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Centrální vysavače Valčík

Does it annoy you to carry around a heavy vacuum cleaner while hoovering? Or do you own a company and want to lower your cleaning costs? Then do not hesitate and buy a central vacuum cleaner – it is mobile, quiet and much more efficient than the common ones. Top central vacuum cleaners are sold and installed by the company Central vacuum cleaners Valčík, which has been operating in this field since 1997 and cooperates with leading world manufacturers.

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Did he already propose, your wedding is getting closer and you still do not have the dress that would fit you like a glove and meet all your expectations? Would you like to have your groom in a matching style, but he finds it difficult to choose his wedding suit or shirt? The DáMa wedding studio from Uherský Brod will solve the dilemma for both of you. From our offer of wedding dresses and suits, but also the relevant wedding accessories, you will definitely both choose.