Travelling and accommodation

On Your vacation take advantage of the advantageous offers of accommodation with breakfast, half board or full board, which provide hotels, guest houses, cottages or hostels throughout the czech republic. They also offer sports activities and wellness treatments including massage and sauna.

MANEL, spol. s r.o.

DESIGN WORK, DESIGNING: Electrical equipment designing. Creation of SCHNEIDER Electric user software. Creation of control and visualization systems (RELIANCE) INVESTMENT ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING: Comprehensive electrical installations. Electrical installation work. House, domestic and industrial wiring. Wiring in buildings of public facilities - hotels, banks, etc. Production -…


CK Vítkovice Tours - the Czech number one on the Adriatic, has been operating in the field of tourism since 1991. It is primarily a specialist in the popular touristic area of the Adriatic - Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Albania, Slovenia. She has also transferred her twenty-year experience to other destinations, so in her portfolio you will also find countries such as Mallorca, Madeira, Crete,…


CK Vítkovice Tours - the Czech number one on the Adriatic, has been operating in the field of tourism since 1991. It is primarily a specialist in the popular touristic area of the Adriatic - Croatia, Montenegro, Italy, Albania, Slovenia. She has also transferred her twenty-year experience to other destinations, so in her portfolio you will also find countries such as Mallorca, Madeira, Crete,…

Learn2Lead s.r.o.

Podnikatelský záměr: - společnost vytvářející a realizující outdoorové programy zaměřené na budování efektivní spolupráce a komunikace uvnitř pracovních kolektivů formou zážitkových programů - teambuilding.

Foodway Catering s.r.o.

Foodway Catering s.r.o. – vstupte do světa výjimečných chutí a nezapomenutelných zážitků. Srdce našeho podnikání bije v Mladoboleslavské ulici v Praze, kde vytváříme cateringové služby, které nadchnou nejen české, ale i zahraniční hosty. Naše služby míří vysoko, ať už jde o elegantní večírky, prestižní mezinárodní kongresy nebo inovativní office catering, který překračuje běžné představy o…