Taxi services

Taxis offers a comprehensive service of transport services of persons, but also objects. The ride to the airport, from the hospital or from a shopping centre. There is both national and international taxi service, but also transport small packages from one place to another.

Martin Vorlíček

Transport company that provides: Individual transportation of people by passenger cars and minibuses - transport service for COMPANIES and V.I.P. clients, travel agencies, hotels and guesthouses - airport transfers from A to Z - sightseeing tours - trips - car rentals with driver - ensuring the transportation of people, including the necessary logistics -…

Martin Rančák

The company Martin Rančák, based in the Jičín district, provides domestic and international transport as well as passenger transport. Cargo insurance is a matter of course. Our services: - passenger transport (8+1) - domestic transport up to 3.5 t - international transport up to 3.5 t - cargo insurance. We are located in the village of Sběř, no. 22 in the Jičín district.