Logistics and transport companies

Storage of stocks and their expedition must always be in the hands of experienced professionals. Logistics, dispatch and receipt of goods can implement an external company, as well as the transport of standard as well as excessive costs. Truck, rail or other transport is there for you.

NIKA Logistics, a.s.

The company NIKA Logistics, a.s. is a Czech transport and logistics company belonging to the Šmídl holding. We have more than 250 cars of various classes and types, which we provide services in the field of domestic and international transport. In our fleet you will also find sets in ADR mode for the transport of dangerous goods. Our other activities include customs services, forwarding, sea, air…

LK TRANSSPED spol. s r.o.

Transport company LK TRANSSPED spol. s r.o. operates international and domestic freight trucking. We focus on the transport of pallet goods, sheet glass and piece shipments. We are able to provide you with the transport of dangerous goods in the ADR mode, as well as oversized loads, and we have refrigerated and isothermal trucks available. We deal with freight forwarding, forwarding and offer…

Ondřej Kmínek

-Pronájem a půjčování věcí movitých -Ubytovací služby -Potrubní a pozemní doprava (vyjma železniční a silniční motorové dopravy) -Údržba motorových vozidel a jejich příslušenství -Velkoobchod a maloobchod -Výroba, opravy a údržba sportovních potřeb, her, hraček a dětských kočárků -Poskytování služeb pro zemědělství, zahradnictví, rybníkářství, lesnictví a myslivost -Provozování…