Protective working aids

In the working activities of the person should be appropriately dressed. Work clothing, among which include overalls, blouses, work shirts, hats and gloves, reflective materials, overalls, car coats, capes, welding or other clothing belongs to the equipment of each worker.

STAPAZ s.r.o.

Building materials supplier - concrete products - wooden briquettes - metallurgical material - electrical assortment - chimneys - cardboard and foil - Painting Supplies - paints - protective equipment - aerated concrete - roof coverings - roof windows - waste system - gutter system - windows, doors, door frames - fences - construction lumber - transport of…

Stock - Trade Industry, s.r.o.

Our company specializes in sales and assortment for industry. Furthermore, we are able to take over some of your construction tasks and, in the form of cooperation, ensure timely completion of the order. So we have a sales division and a cooperation division. We have a network of verified cooperating companies from the ranks of engineering or locksmith companies. our office is at: Praskačka…

AGROmarket - Patrik Semrád

Prodejna AGROmarket Patrik Semrád nabízí široký sortiment hospodářských, zahradnických a domácích potřeb. Prodáváme krmiva, nářadí, spojovací materiál, železářské zboží i rybářské potřeby. Najdete nás ve městě Třebechovice pod Orebem, ulice Havlíčkova. Naše nabídka, maloobchod, prodej: - zahrádkářské potřeby - zahradnické nářadí (hrábě, motyčky, lopaty, pilky, nůžky, sekery, vidle, rýče,…

PETR NEDVÍDEK, spol. s r.o.

Sale - working tools Haulage - national and international - up to 12t - MAN, DAF cars Personal transport - international - 8 + 1 places - MERCEDES SPRINTER BUS cars Lease - DESTA forklift trucks - even with a driver Wholesale - drugstore Wholesale - office supplies Earthwork

Martin Westfál

Velkoobchod, maloobchod a prodej - pracovní pomůcky - rukavice Velkoobchod, maloobchod a prodej - fasádní barvy - příslušenství - malířské barvy JUPOL - barvy na dřevo i kov - výrobky FA.PARAMO - štetce - plátna - přípravky na ochranu dřeva - lepidla - pásky maskovací, univerzální, oboustranné, protiskluzové - lepidla CEYS…

Luboš Hájek

Prodej - ochranné pomůcky rukavice, ochrana helma, prodouvý chránič do zásuvky Prodej - bazénová chemie Prodej - oleje - maziva Prodej - zahradní nábytek (stoly, židle, lehátka, houpačky, ...) Internetový obchod - zahradní technika (křovinořezy, travní sekačky, zahradní traktůrky, řetězové pily, plotostřihy, ...) - zahradní nábytek (stoly, židle, lehátka,…

Argun, s.r.o.

We are leading manufacturers of ballistic vests, shockproof devices, ballistic helmets and additional armor. We carry out complete so-called turnkey orders with an individual approach to each customer. Ballistic vests Anti-shock devices Ballistic helmets Additional armor Tactical equipment (vests, gloves, etc.)


Sale, hire, service: -plastering and transport equipment -concrete pumps -mortar and concrete mixing machines -heaters and dehumidifiers -light building lifts and winches -refuse chutes -facade frame scaffolding -tail towers -vibratory rammers, rollers, plates -immersion vibrators -concrete glazers -diamond cutting machines and tools -laser PROFI devices -masonry…

Dana Nosková

Production, sewing, wholesale, sales: - work clothes, overalls - working set KLASIK ODO2 - KP10 waist work trousers - white medical pants - work trousers with a drawstring. Wholesale, mail order: - protective work equipment, work clothes - sweatpants, work gloves, vests - hats, caps - dress aprons - sale of brushwood, rubber felt - medical shoes - textiles - clothes (T…


Retail, Wholesale, Sales: - welding technique - machines - tools and instruments - connecting and fixing material - protective equipment - abrasive - forging - cooking and heating technology - garden and forest technology. Service: - garden equipment. Production: - wooden handles. Branches: Trutnov - Poland 186 Červený Kostelec - Sokolská 29.