Children's clothing

Shop children's clothing for both boys and girls, from infant and toddler clothes and equipment for clothes for preschoolers and schoolchildren. Choose from a wide range of t-shirts, jackets, pants, sweatshirts, shoes and sports and leisure clothing of all sizes.


Traditional production of quality knitted outerwear and thermal underwear. The company has its own knitting shop, dressing room and ready-made workshop, including an embroidery center and a screen printing department. The BOCO&Body Comfort collection represents functional underwear of top parameters. Online store, sales, production: - thermal underwear, thermal underwear, functional…

DITA výrobní družstvo invalidů

DITA production cooperative for the disabled is engaged in the production of home textiles, car upholstery, light clothing, functional underwear for adults, children's and infant textiles. Our production cooperative is the only manufacturer in the Czech Republic that has obtained a license to use the Outlast thermoregulatory material for children's clothing and textiles. Our products under the…

Baby shop Ondálek

Nová moderní prodejna značkového dětského sortimentu. Na naší velké prodejní ploše naleznete vzorové pokojíčky, kočárky(např. Maclaren), autosedačky, odrážedla, dětský nábytek a mnoho dalšího pro Vaše nejmenší. Navštivte nás na našem webu nebo přímo na prodejně.

Hana Berková

Maloobchod, prodej: -specializovaná prodejna pro těhotné, nastávající maminky a kojence -konfekce, oděvy, textil, šaty, halenky, sukně, kalhoty, kraťasy, trička, svetry, prádlo, plavky -kosmetika pro maminky a kojence -výbavička pro novorozence. Služby: -odborné rady porodní asistentky Hany Berkové.