Stainless tanks and reservoirs

How to store water? Optimal are the stainless steel tank containers, which are made of quality stainless steel. The construction is solid and without critical points. Of course there is high resistance to corrosion. You can choose from different volumes, from tens of liters for a hundred.

DELTA X CZ s.r.o.

Company DELTA X CZ s.r.o. is a specialized manufacturer of worm, chain and bucket conveyors for food, agriculture and rendering plants. Our other activities include the production of containers, picking devices for emptying containers and single-purpose constructions. We are based in Veliny, Pardubice district. Production, delivery, assembly, projection:  - screw conveyors  - chain…

Roman Motyčka

Vyrábíme, dodáváme, montujeme, zajišťujeme-zpracování nerezu, hliníku, mědi: - nerezové, hliníkové konstrukce - mycí stoly, zábradlí - dveře zateplená i normální, - násypky, zásobníky, nádrže, - dopravníky, žebříky, regály, rošty aj. - Zakázková výroba

INMEX Pardubice, a.s.

Projekce, výroba, dodávky a montáže strojně-technologického zařízení zejména pro potravinářský průmysl: - strojně-technologické zařízení pro dopravu, čištění, zpracování a uskladnění obilovin - dopravníky svislé (korečkové) - dopravníky vodorovné (řetězové, šnekové) - prvky spádové dopravy (kolena, hradítka, klapky) - ventilátory, váhy, zásobníky, filtry, šrotovací stroje - opravy…

JK MONT, s.r.o. - technologická zařízení

The company JK MONT, s.r.o. manufactures, assembles and modernizes investment units and technological equipment for dryers, silos, rendering plants, feed mills, industrial waste treatment plants or WWTPs. Our production program includes conveyors, elevators, silos and bins, sifters and other machines and equipment for the transport and storage of bulk materials. We also focus on custom metal…

Zdeněk Maixner - Antikor

Production: -food machinery and equipment for: -dairies -cheese factories -slaughter house -sausage factories -gastro dishes for large kitchens -stainless milk boilers Machining on cnc machines for the automotive industry Milling centers Made to order from stainless steel: - kitchen sinks -containers and tanks -stainless steel tables and shelves.

INTERO, Chmelan a spol., s.r.o.

Production, delivery, sale: - technological pipe distributions - production of atypical stainless steel containers - production and reconstruction of pressure vessels - production of units for the food and pharmaceutical industry - cleaning station C.I.P. - manual TIG welding using Migatronic aggregates - perfect weld formation - pipe cutting on George Fischer machines - other…

KYTOS s.r.o.

Company KYTOS s.r.o. is engaged in metal production. The main focus of the company is machining, material cutting and welding. We have been operating on the market for many years and since 2014 we have been based at Kamenec u Poličky 866, Svitavy district. Our newly reconstructed workshop has modern CNC machines, robots and powder coating. During production, we put emphasis on the maximum quality…

Švanda Karel

Production: - cooling display cases, equipment - stainless steel furniture for gastronomy and business. - stainless steel construction - stainless steel interior elements - stainless steel handles - stainless steel flanges and blanks Production, sale: - stainless steel equipment - metalwork.