Plastic tanks and reservoirs

Septic tanks, sewage sumps, water meter shafts, tanks for rain water, tanks for galvanovny and tanks used in construction are made from high quality durable plastic that ensures durability, strength and flexibility at the same time, stability and variability.

Sineko Engineering s.r.o.

Sineko Engineering s.r.o. based in the Nový Jičín district, it has been providing its customers with comprehensive services in the field of wastewater solutions for households, capital construction and light industry since 1994. We will design, manufacture and install the offered products directly for you, according to your requirements. Thanks to many years of experience in the field of…

Sineko Enginieering s.r.o.

Sineko Engineering s.r.o. provides comprehensive services in the field of wastewater solutions for households and industry. Development, production, sales, assembly: - treatment plants, sewage treatment plants: - for family houses, establishments, hotels, restaurants, boarding houses from 2 to 500 equivalent inhabitants - consultancy, projects, expert opinions, turnkey delivery, …

EKOAQUA plus, spol. s r.o.

The company ECOAQUA plus s.r.o. in Ostrava specializes in the sale of biological wastewater treatment plants and their service and maintenance. We also provide comprehensive services in the field of domestic sewage treatment plants and the sale of plastic retention and transfer tanks, measuring manholes or even atypical catch basins. Regarding dry cleaners, our professional staff will be happy to…

Ivo Psota

Online store, online shopping: - food plastic barrels - beads - plastic and metal barrels - food canisters - 1000 l tank without reinforcement.

GALA-DŘEVO export-import,s.r.o.

Dřevovýroba. Výroba,prodej,montáž,export,import: -zahradní chatky -montované domy na klíč -dřevěné dveře -dřevěná okna,EURO okna TWW* -parapety,parapetní desky MAX*,HELOPAL -vnitřní,venkovní dveře -schodiště -zahradní nábytek -pískoviště,houpačky -dřevěné ploty -pergoly,altány,palisády,květináče. Maloobchod,prodej: -ekologické barvy na dřevo PIGROL -lepidla a silikony…

GONAP spol. s r.o.

Production, sale, assembly, service, reconstruction: - wastewater treatment plants (WTP) - gas station - sludge dewatering equipment - septic tanks, sumps, plastic tanks - enzymes for removing organ. deposits - sealing - sealing systems - sealing plugs, cuffs - sliding sleeves, limiting sleeves, spacers - sealing rings, surface sealing - protectors, pipe couplings, pipe supports

M+M SPECIÁL - Martin Sušovský

Retail, sales: - pumps - plumbing material - water filters - drinking water treatment plants - dosing pumps - UV lamps - pool chemicals. Production, assembly, service: - wells - cleaning and all maintenance - blowouts of pressure vessels - installation of pumps - installation of water filtration and treatment equipment - swimming pools - custom production of plastic…

EKOMOR, s.r.o.

Engineering, consulting: - surface treatment, regeneration - designs of technological and ecological solutions - projection - construction activity Sale: - welded technological bath tubes, vessels - tube aggregate with electric heating - steel constructions including suction and air-conditioning, pipe systems, cesspools, pumps and separators. - welded technological storage…

Svota Europe s.r.o. - (SVOD)

Velkoobchod,maloobchod,prodej,montáž: -materiály pro zateplovací systémy -materiály pro sádrokartonové systémy -sádrokartony -armovací tkaniny -lišty (soklové,rohové,zakládací, dilatační,omítkové,zateplovací) -kotevní technika,hmoždinky ALSTA (talířové,natloukací) -polystyrén (fasádní,obyčejný) -stavební profily PCG* -upevňovací technika BRAVOLL -hydroizolační nopové…

Roman Mroček LKW s.r.o.

Výroba: - bazény - žumpy, septiky - zemní filtry - lapoly - nádoby na užitkovou vodu a sypké hmoty - skříně pro posypové hmoty určené pro zimní údržbu chodníků a cest - odhrnovače na sníh - vzduchotechnické potrubí.

Stanislav Jurek

Treatment plants, septic tanks, tanks Production, sales, assembly, service: - residential wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) - plastic tanks, cesspools - water measuring shafts - plastic sinks - pumping station (for pumping waste, rainwater and groundwater) - septic tanks, septic tanks - others (communal treatment plants, tertiary treatment, sewage facilities, grease and starch…

GVS plast, s.r.o.

Job-order manufacture: -plastic containers, septic tanks, pools/ reservoirs -plastic mixers/ stirrers/ agitators. Assembly, installation: -plastic water piping, aggressive media -lining of existing concrete cofferdams and steel tanks with PE foil -high-temperature piping -plastic air piping and exhaust duct/ off-take main -air pipe line/ duct work (air-conditioning).