The village of Seletice can be found in the Central Bohemian Region, about seventeen kilometers north of the district town of Nymburk. The first written mention of Seletice dates from 1420, but the village was probably founded in the early 14th century. Currently lives 195 inhabitants. Our village is the birthplace of František Kordač, who in 1919 became the Archbishop of Prague and the Czech…
Městský úřad Milovice
The village of Jíkev can be found in the Central Bohemian Region, approximately nine kilometers north of the district town of Nymburk. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1323. At present, a total of 320 inhabitants live here. We are part of the Nymburk Microregion. Equipment of village: - municipal library - hospitality - football field. Local associations: -…
The village of Kmetiněves is located in the district of Kladno in the Central Bohemian Region. The village is located on both banks of the Vranský stream, which flows through the center of the village. The cadastral area of Kmetiněves has an area of 685 ha, of which most of the fields are. Kmetiněves lies in a fertile agricultural area. The first mention of the village appears in the second half…
Municipal office Vlkov pod Oškobrhem
1. místostarostka Kompletní vedení úřadu včetně ohlašovny evidence obyvatel, vyřizování dotací a kulturních akcí.
Odtahová služba- NONSTOP, přeprava 1-3vozidel odtahovým speciálem MERCEDES-BENZ 412D po celé ČR a EVROPĚ, odtah havarovaných vozdel- NONSTOP, vyproštění vozidel-NONSTOP, uskladnění vozidel, ekologická likvidace autovraků, spolupráce s asistenčními službami, pojišťovnami, leasingovými společnostmi, značkovými servisy, policií ČR, Městskou policií,Exekutorskými úřady, Finančními úřady, STK…