Public authorities

Need help with finding a job or registering a property? Visit the appropriate office, where you help the. Urban and municipal authorities, building authorities, cadastral offices, registry offices, labour offices, collection agencies and financial authorities fall within the public administration.

Česká komora pro obchod se státy Východní Evropy a Střední Asie - Komora VE&SA (dříve Komora SNS)

Chamber for Economic Relations with the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS Chamber). The Chamber of the CIS was established by the Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic at the founding General Assembly on 12 March 1997 as a special chamber of commerce (according to Act No. 42/1980 Coll. on Economic Relations with Foreign Countries). The Chamber is a non-state, separate and…

Hospodářská komora České republiky - zákonný zástupce podnikatelů

The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic is the most important representative of the business sphere. It brings together 16,000 members organized in 60 chambers in the regions and 124 professional associations. More than 60 of the 100 largest Czech companies are members of HK ČR. And he is the only legal representative of entrepreneurs in the Czech Republic. The mission of the Chamber of…

Ústav pro studium totalitních režimů

The Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes examines two unfree periods of our modern history: the period of Nazi occupation 1939-45 and the period of communist rule 1948-1989, of course with overlapping years. We focus on the anti-democratic activities of the state's security forces, but we also analyze the circumstances under which an authoritarian regime can grow out of democratic…

Česká geologická služba

The performance of the state geological service in the Czech Republic is held by the Czech Geological Survey, whose history dates back to 1919. The Czech Geological Survey collects and processes data on the geological composition of the state territory and transmits them to administrative bodies for political, economic and environmental decisions. It also performs geological research and mapping,…

Technologické centrum Praha z.s.p.o.

Technology Centre Prague provides consultation services on the EU Framework Programmes for research, development and innovation, prepares analytical and conceptual studies for research and innovation, performs international technology transfer and supports the development of innovative (especially small and medium-sized) enterprises. TC’s main national partners are the Ministry of Education,…

Město České Velenice

The town of České Velenice is located in the South Bohemian Region on the border with Austria in the district of Jindřichův Hradec. The history of the town dates back to the 1820s, when there were a few buildings in our country. The economic and construction boom of today's České Velenice began with the construction of the railway in 1866-1869, leading here from Vienna to Pilsen and later to…