Sports goods

Want to try a new sport? Get your necessary sports equipment such as bats, rackets, bicycles, in-line skates, protectors, helmets, helmet, poles, skis, balls, baskets, hockey sticks and other equipment. Simply choose the sport and buy the needs from the suppliers.

Bike Sport JOMA

The company Bike sport JOMA, based in Jindřichův Hradec, deals with the sale and service of top bicycles, cycling accessories and all-season clothing for sports and leisure. We offer guaranteed and non-guaranteed quality service of your bikes. We also service bikes that are not purchased from us. We are also engaged in the construction of custom bikes, when we convert your bike into an electric…

Miroslav Brož

Umělecké kovářství a zámečnictví: - mříže - brány kované - zábradlí, ploty - restaurátorské práce - puškařství - damaškové hlavně pro lovecké zbraně - chladné zbraně z damaškové oceli.

DAJ SPORT - jízdní kola, lyže - Vladimír Míka

Do you need a top racing bike or, on the other hand, a recreational bike for trips to nature? With us you can find all possible types of bikes and we will also offer you their service. We are a wholesale and retail store of bikes and skis. Here you can find complete bicycles, bicycle accessories and spare parts. We sell women's bikes, men's bikes and children's bikes. We offer mountain bikes,…

Ing. Ivan Kouba - MERKURIA

Prodej: -lovecké zbraně -zbraně pro civilní potřebu -úplný sortiment střeliva -kožená galanterie -psí výstroje -lovecké nože a jiné doplňky -lovecké sportovní optiky -upomínkové a dárkové předměty s mysliveckou tematikou. Služby: -opravy zbraní -nastřelování zbraní -montáž puškových zaměřovačů.