Sports and recreational services

Combine sporting activity with relaxation, visit the wellness centers, which provide sports halls, gyms and the gym, but at the same time, as well as wellness treatments, massage, bowling, billiards and other activities that help you relax and have a good time.

Desná a. s.

Služby: Zajištění ubytování v Jeseníkách: tel.: 603 815 838 Provoz lyžařského areálu Přemyslov: tel.: 583 210 282, 604 589 310 Dřevovýroba: Sobotín 167 tel.: 583 237 156, 603 278 042 - surové dříví - řezivo - palivo - piliny - sušení řeziva v horkovzdušné sušárně. Nákladní autodoprava Autoservis, pneuservis Možnost pronájmu minibusů tel.: 604 187 072

RNDr. Jana Linhardová

Boat rental and boating school. Boats are rented and picked up right by the river. It offers school courses, corporate events and raft trips. Boating events on Czech and foreign rivers. We rent: -plastic canoes and kayaks, -inflatable canoes Pálava and Baraka, -rafts of various sizes -sea kayaks -rescue vests -paddles of various sizes

SZA-STAV, s.r.o.

SZA-STAV, s.r.o. - execution of constructions: - new buildings - turnkey family houses - reconstruction of buildings - facades - tiling and paving - attic installations - reconstruction of apartment cores - measuring objects - fencing of buildings - trucking - earthworks - training center.