
Do you like movement and sport? Try ball games, weight training, swimming, cycling, skiing, skating or running. On operation sports they need for sports, i.e. sports halls, swimming pools, playgrounds, clubs, fit, center, clubs, the gym and the gym.

Hotel & Restaurant Větruše - E K O F I N P C spol. s r.o.

Hotel and restaurant Větruše provides quiet and comfortable accommodation with a unique view of the entire city of Ústí nad Labem and the surrounding countryside. The hotel has a stylish restaurant, where you can enjoy traditional Austro-Hungarian specialties or sit with a glass of wine. Our hotel is also a great place for conferences, congresses, weddings or various celebrations and balls. …


Aquacentrum Teplice nabízí veřejnosti plavecký bazén, rekreační bazén s termální vodou a atrakcemi (tobogán, dětská skluzavka, vodní hřib, divoká řeka, houpací jeskyně, lezeckou síť, masážní lehátka a lavice, široká skluzavka s dojezdem, chrliče vody.), dále sauny, squashové kurty, fitness a restauraci s mokrým barem.