
Do you like movement and sport? Try ball games, weight training, swimming, cycling, skiing, skating or running. On operation sports they need for sports, i.e. sports halls, swimming pools, playgrounds, clubs, fit, center, clubs, the gym and the gym.

Eva Žďárská -

Hledáte vše pro domov, zahradu či osobní péči? je vaše jednička! Nacházíme se na adrese Jablonec nad Jizerou 372, kde na vás čeká široký sortiment produktů pro každého kutila i milovníka krásy. Drogerie: U nás najdete kvalitní mýdla, parfémy a hygienické potřeby pro každodenní použití. Nabízíme také špičkové prací a mycí prostředky pro dokonalou čistotu vašeho oblečení a domova. …

FlyBalloon s.r.o. - vyhlídkové lety balónem

Představte si, že se vznášíte vysoko nad zemí, kde jediným zvukem je šumění větru a občasné šplouchání plamenů horkovzdušného balónu. S FlyBalloon s.r.o., umístěnou v srdci Brna na Kamenomlýnské 128/6, se tento sen může stát skutečností. FlyBalloon s.r.o. je vaším průvodcem na cestě k nebeským dobrodružstvím. Každý let je unikátní zážitek, který vám umožní vidět svět z perspektivy, o které se… - Zdeněk Kosík

Společnost se specializuje na internetový prodej drobné elektroniky a nabízí široký sortiment produktů, které uspokojí potřeby každého technologického nadšence. S přehledným a uživatelsky přívětivým e-shopem, zákazníkům umožňuje snadno najít a zakoupit nejnovější elektronické přístroje a gadgety. Sortiment: - Měřící přístroje: Nabízí různé typy měřících přístrojů, včetně…

TJ Sokol Pokratice - Litoměřice z.s.

TJ Sokol Pokratice - Litoměřice z.s. je dynamickým společenstvím, které se zaměřuje na provozování fotbalového klubu a poskytování široké škály sportovních a společenských aktivit. Klub je hrdý na svou fotbalovou tradici, kde jeho týmy hrají v I. A třídě a pravidelně pořádají domácí zápasy na svém hřišti v Pokraticích. Kromě fotbalu TJ Sokol Pokratice - Litoměřice nabízí pravidelná cvičení pro…

DRAGON SPIRIT - Škola Chan Shaolin Si & Dju Su Kung-fu, z. s.

The DRAGON SPIRIT school deals with practicing the martial art style "Chan Shaolin Si & Dju Su Kung Fu". The DRAGON SPIRIT section in Brno was established in August 2015. The name of the section DRAGON SPIRIT (translated as "Spirit of the Dragon") was chosen due to the exact relevance in relation to the style of martial arts practiced here. The goal is not only the fight itself, but self…

Klubové zařízení Plumlov - příspěvková organizace

The Plumlov club facility, a contribution organization founded by the city of Plumlov, provides for Plumlov and other city organizations road passenger motor transport, special passenger line transport and collection of clothes for dry cleaners and collection of shoe repairs. We also operate physical education and sports facilities and facilities for regeneration and rehabilitation, we provide…

Horský hotel Kozubová s.r.o. - Horský hotel a SKI park

Mountain hotel Kozubová s.r.o. offers accommodation on top of the mountains with a perfect view. Hotel e is located on the Beskydy ridge at an altitude of 982 meters above sea level. Hotel capacity in triple rooms (+extra beds) with complete sanitary facilities in each room, wi-fi, TV. The total capacity of the hotel is 65 beds. Stayed guests can choose to eat in the restaurant either in…

Rekreace STAREK s.r.o.

We offer you accommodation in the recreation center STAREK Strmilov in the beautiful nature of South Bohemia. Our recreation center is located on the bank of the Komorník pond between the villages of Strmilov and Leština on the edge of the Česká Kanada nature park. We offer accommodation in cabins or tents. We also provide sleeping bags, pillows and blankets. It goes without saying that…

Golf Dobrouč - GHP s.r.o.

Golf Dobrouč is a natural, fully irrigated course spread over picturesque hills in the foothills of the Orlické Hory. Golf Dobrouč was founded in 2019. The sports 18-hole course is spread over 65 ha of undulating landscape in the foothills of the Orlické Hory. The golfer's game will lead through the valleys between the forests and on the higher holes will delight with beautiful views. We…

Golferia, s.r.o. - TEE HOUSE Čeladná

The company Golferia s.r.o. operates a golf resort in Čeladná in the Moravian-Silesian region. Our golf resort includes several golf courses. For those interested in different age categories, we offer a golf school with coaches for beginners and advanced players, as well as the David Golc Golf Academy for children and youth, summer camps for children and youth, and lessons for schools. We also…

Tsunami Karatedo - Sportovní klub policie České Budějovice

The karate section Tsunami Karatedo is run by the Police Sports Club of České Budějovice. The department offers karate lessons mainly for children and youth from 6 to 15 years old, but also for other people interested in practicing. We organize training sessions for beginners and competitive athletes. In the background of our club, we run a shop with supplies for martial arts, where you can…

ABC Braník fotbal, z. s.

ABC Braník is a traditional Prague football club that has its home in Prague 4. In 2014, we celebrated 100 years of existence, and we don't have to be ashamed of our history. ABC BRANÍK – athletics club Branick is considered to be the real founder of football in Braník. It was founded in February 1914. We have 3 training pitches on our premises. One artificial pitch and two grass pitches,…

Fotbalový klub Čechie Dubeč, z.s.

The club FK Čechie Dubeč was founded in 2003, but continues the more than 90-year tradition of football in Dubeč. Currently, we have two teams in the adult category that play in Prague's 1st B class and 2nd class. At the same time, we are dedicated to youth football, our teams currently play in six categories (younger teenagers, older and younger pupils, older and younger training and pre…

CykloRape Strážnice - Jiřina Chadalíková

CykloRape Strážnice sells bicycles of all brands and types. At the same time, we also offer a service where, at the customer's request, we will arrange the importation and removal of bicycles. You can purchase the entire range offered in our e-shop. Products offered: - carbon wheels - Mountain bikes - full suspension wheels - women's bikes - cross bikes - feelings - children's bikes …

MK's Gym 24/7

Do you want to feel good and do something for your health, but do you like to exercise in private or only with friends? Then our gym is the right place for you. The gym is completely private, so it will really only be you or maybe together with a friend. In our reservation system, you can reserve a day and hour that suits you. Reservations can be made up to a month in advance. If for some…

Ultimate Fitness s.r.o.

Firma Ultimate Fitness provozuje v Olomouci fitness centrum. Nabízíme osobní i skupinové tréninky. Součástí našeho programu je např. kruhový trénink, cross trénink, vzpírání. Poskytujeme také lekce pro děti. Nabízíme speciální program pro studenty základních a středních škol v Olomouci a jeho okolí. Nabídka tréninků: - kruhový trénink - cross trénink - vzpírání - open gym -…

Pirátí zátoka – minigolf - Jump Club Modřany z.s.

V areálu Pirátí zátoka v Praze kousek od golfového hřiště Hodkovičky najdete největší minigolfové hřiště v Praze s 27 jamkami různých úrovní. Nachází se v krásném parkovém prostředí přímo v rušné Praze. Přijďte vyzkoušet hru na lodi, přes potok či jiné záludné překážky, a přitom se svezte pirátským přívozem přes rybník, plný červených rybiček a leknínů. Součástí Pirátí zátoky jsou také další…

ABC Hockey, s.r.o. - Sports Connect, s.r.o.

Sports agency Sports Connect s.r.o. based in Prague, provides top-notch service for European ice hockey players of all ages and performance levels. Above all, we offer a comprehensive service for young promising hockey players so that they have the best conditions for development. We provide above-standard training for hockey players - under the supervision of professionals - in individual…

Jan Hájek - Vše pro bowling

The company Vše pro bowling - Jan Hájek, based in Prague, operates a brick-and-mortar store and an online store specializing in the sale of bowling balls, shoes, gloves and bowling bags. At the same time, we also carry out repairs, drilling, degreasing, regrinding and engraving of bowling balls. We will be happy to advise you on the selection of balls or shoes. As part of our offer, we…

TTC Moravská Slavia Brno, z.s.

TTC Moravská Slavia Brno, z.s. - MORENDA - table tennis sports club. The purpose of the association is mainly the preparation of youth and adults of all age and performance categories, participation in organized competitions, organization and promotion of table tennis. We have our own table tennis hall, which is located in Brno at Vojtová Street No. 12. The table tennis hall is used every…

Schejbal-sport s.r.o.

The company Schejbal-sport s.r.o. specializes in the sale and installation of protective nets, sports nets, reconstruction and equipment of sports fields, playgrounds, gymnasiums, urban furniture and fencing. Production, sale, retail, assembly: - protective nets and sails - sports networks - sport equipment - playground - fence. We offer professional installation of protective…

Zednické a obkladačské práce Josef Malík

The company Josef Malík specializes in masonry works such as complete reconstructions (of small or large buildings, apartments, family houses or bathrooms). I offer tiling works such as wall tiling, paving and fireplace tiling. In addition to bricklaying and tiling, we also manufacture wood - pergolas, fences, playgrounds and others. Anything can be made according to the customer's wishes. …

Národní sportovní centrum Prostějov, z. s.

The Prostějov National Sports Center operates a multi-purpose sports complex in Prostějov. The modern sports hall is primarily intended for team sports such as volleyball and basketball. In the sports hall, you will find two courts for volleyball or basketball, which meet the training needs as well as the teaching of physical education. The pitches are separated by a launch curtain. We…

Rekreační areál Na Trojáku

Rekreační areál Na Trojáku nabízí ubytování a restauraci na rozhraní oblastí Vsetínska, Zlínska a Kroměřížska na vrcholu valašského kopce Troják. Ubytování, hotel, apartány: Naleznete u nás různé kategorie ubytování od hotelového pokoje po apartmán pro větší skupinu osob. Máme k dispozici dvou až šestilůžkové pokoje střední kategorie a několik luxusních pokojů. Rodinné apartmány u hotelu…