
Do you like movement and sport? Try ball games, weight training, swimming, cycling, skiing, skating or running. On operation sports they need for sports, i.e. sports halls, swimming pools, playgrounds, clubs, fit, center, clubs, the gym and the gym.

Martin Šimek

CrossFit - if you want to relax and at the same time give your body a good workout, improve your physical and mental condition in a pleasant group, then our center is the right place for you. We will try to make this place not just a gym for you, but a place where you like to spend your free time as well.


Unusual gym in Benešov. CrossGym Comprehensive physical readiness. CrossGym focuses on fitness training - exercises that strengthen overall physical fitness. WOD Training Crossfit training suitable for more advanced trainers with a certain level of skills and experience. Everything around the axis, bars, circles Tabata a very effective and demanding method of interval training, in…

Daniel Beránek

We are a family rental company with years of experience, and therefore we are also able to provide all services related to sailing not only the Vltava River, but also other rivers. We will arrange the rental of all necessary material, transport to the place of departure, transport of luggage and people along the Vltava. Our favorite activity is night rafting through Český Krumlov, which we run…

Roman Hulík

Fishing equipment for those who have fallen under the spell of fishing. We offer rods, reels, hooks, lures, fishing line, braided lines, floats, costume jewelry, clothing, wellies, waders, sweatshirts, hats, gift items, landing nets, racks, visors. Everything for everyone about the underwater world. We have aquariums, filtration, quality feeding, lights, accessories, aquarium fish, shrimp, snails…

LVXPro s.r.o.

V našem internetovém obchodě zakoupíte nafukovací čluny, motorové čluny, pramice, veslice, kajaky, kanoe, přívěsy pro lodě, elektromotory, lodní motory a echoloty. Součástí našeho sortimentu jsou přípravky na čištění a údržbu lodí a lodní příslušenství – bojky, elektro doplňky, kotvení, oleje a vazelíny, těsnění, ventilace, vesla, pádla, záchranné prostředky a mnoho dalšího. V našem e-shopu…

Lenka Sklenářová - Armyshop

Internetový a kamenný Armyshop nabízí military vybavení, výstroj a oblečení v e-shopu nebo v kamenné prodejně (pondělí a středa od 13 do 17 hod.). Náš armyshop nabízí vybavení pro všechny kteří provozují airsoft, paintball, tramping, outdoor, camping, hiking, rybaření, myslivost, táboření, skauting, turistiku, military ale i pro ty kteří jsou členy klubů vojenské historie, military…

Trade Gate s.r.o.

Dear customers, we offer you a bicycle service in Pilsen, cycling equipment, all types of bicycles - women's bicycles, children's bicycles, mountain bikes, road bicycles, electric bicycles, bicycle bikes, MTB bicycles, scooters and bouncers. Here you will find FOCUS, KELLYS, GALAXY, DEMA and ACSTAR bicycles -cycling accessories and accessories -Sportswear -cycling shoes -Dresses -building…